Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hangover in Sayulita

I've noticed that a hangover in Sayulita is not really very hard to take, especially when you have breakfast overlooking the beach.

Zach and Jill, the young couple, fresh out of University and headed for Argentina in a van, came by to visit with us last night before heading on their journey this morning. Zach makes a mean Margarita! Gerry stuck to the beer he knows has no corn, so I had to drink his Margarita as well as mine.

We hit on every taboo topic under the sun....and strangely all four of us, while disagreeing on minute points here and there, agreed philosophically on politics, religion, environmental issues, corporate corruption and travel.

Zach and Jill are on the road again, even though we happened to choose the same campgrounds in two different towns in Mexico, it is unlikely our paths will cross again. They are headed Guatalajara way, then south; we are staying put for at least a week, then heading home for Christmas.

I will be following their blog.

I gave them my usual "Keep out of trouble", and they assured me if they wind up in jail in Argentina that we would be the first one they called.

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